Beneficiaries & Stakeholders

project 1


The various initiatives & programs launched by BJS are carefully conceived, designed and structured for attending to various social issues confronted by the society at large. A happy & healthy family being the primary unit & building block of a happy & healthy society, BJS believes in and anchors its various activities on the core theme ‘Sukhi Pariwar Pragatika Adhar’ – a happy & contented family is the storehouse & resource for the progress of individual & the society.

Family constitutes a large segment of BJS’ core focus areas, and covers a very wide spectrum of activities addressing a plethora of important issues before a family today in the context of changing social & cultural milieu. At the one end of the spectrum is the program on ‘Chaturmas at Modern Times’ designed to leverage the sacred practice of the Jain community for the betterment of life & its quality of families from the community, while on the other hand there is the pioneering flagship program ‘Empowerment of Girls (EOG)’ designed to address the various issues and problems faced by young women & adolescent girls both within & outside the family, and in the outside world at large. The program spectrum traverses through the idea & mode of successful marriage, for the empowered couples to invest in & build up a happy domestic life with the family members.

For details about the specific programs, please click below:

Empowerment of Girls

Business Development Program



project 2


As is being told & repeated by all Social Scientists, Economists & other thinkers, India has the unique privilege of having a demographic dividend compared to other countries, & is driven by a population which is young, aspiring to excel, with the penchant for enterprise, innovation, risk taking, & entrepreneurship.

Today’s generation is bubbling with enthusiasm, & is desperate to channelize its energy into productive initiatives. This enormous potential requires right avenues to flourish. BJS is conscious of this need of the hour, not only of the youth from Jain community but the larger society as well. It has deliberated over this need and developed a bouquet of programs geared to address the need, which include business awareness sessions, business development workshops and business exposure tours (iBuD). All the programs are designed to encourage & nurture the spirit of the youth towards business leadership && develop the latent entrepreneurship talent in the youth today. These are well structured programs to address various needs & delivered by Industry & Business leaders, persons of academic eminence, and Management Gurus

For further details please click below:

Business Development Program

Empowerment of Girl

project 3

Educational Institutions

From the beginning of its journey BJS has taken up quality of education imparted to the students as one of its major area of contribution and value addition. Right from its pioneering initiative in launching EDUQIP, to evolving the BJS SAA (School Assessment & Accreditation) initiative, it has strived to deliver value to educational institutions. The programs are result of in-depth of investigation & analysis by experts, and carefully developed through expert deliberations & repeatedly validated through test-runs of pilot programs.

BJS has carried out these programs in a very large no of Educational Institutions in the country.

As already mentioned elsewhere, apart from these programs BJS also delivers its programs on Empowerment of Girls in association with the educational institutions across India, for the girl students studying in colleges & higher classes in schools.

For further details about the programs click below:

Empowerment of Girl

Student Assessment Program SAP

project 4

Social Organizations

In carrying out its various activities BJS has partnered with many social organizations, who have contributed immensely in making various initiatives a success. Jain social organisations like JAINA or JSG are organizations who have contributed immensely in various social spheres both within the country & abroad in keeping with the philanthropic tradition of the Jain community. BJS is happy to record the contribution & helping hand extended by these organizations wherever & whenever required

Another prominent organization that has contributed in successfully launching and carrying forward highly successful health initiative ‘Plastic Surgery camps’ every year is the Sancheti Hospital in Pune which has been an active partner in organizing the camps every year& one of the most prominent stake holders of BJS initiative.

Apart from these, BJS has a no of social & media organizations that take interest in and support & contribute to the initiatives and programs carried out by BJS.

Empowerment of Girl


Empowerment of couples

project 5


In most of the initiatives in Social Development & Disaster Response Management, BJS has actively partnered & received help, assistance, necessary approval s & clearances from Govt. at States & Centre. Its efforts have been recognized by NDMA (National Disaster Management Authority), especially at the time of J&K earthquake. Its contribution in the area of disaster response was taken cognizance of in one Lok Sabha proceedings in a statement made by Minister of State (Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India) on 28th Nov 2005.

The recognition has been made possible not only due to the organized & systematic rescue & relief operations carried out by BJS in every natural calamity of enormous dimensions faced by the country since its foray into disaster response in 1993, but also due to its unique philosophy of providing long-term sustainable rehabilitation solutions beneficial to the nation & the disaster affected citizens of the country. From construction of 368 schools in post–earthquake Gujarat, to reconstruction 11 schools & 34 health centers in post-Tsunami Andaman & Nicobar Islands, and all within record target periods.An unique initiative has been the educational rehabilitation project for the malnutrition affected children of Melghat region. With all these initiatives, BJS has not only succeeded in providing immediate relief but also has come out with long term solutions benefitting large segments & adding value to the society in effective partnership & responsibility sharing with the Govt.

project 6

Disaster Affected people

Disaster Response management has remained major focus area of BJS since 1993, when BJS first made foray into this vital arena with Latur Earthquake. BJS has an enviable record of reaching the disaster affected locality and commence relief operation with speed & alacrity in a organized manner. The nation wide large voluntary network and ability to master required resources & mobilize men & materials within the minimum possible time has been the strength of BJS. Not an organization to limit its disaster response to immediate rescue & relief operations, BJS has always strived to come up with sustainable long term solutions which benefits large no of people over a period of years. It has ranged from immediate construction of Shelters for people without hoe & hearth in J&K to reconstruction of schools in Gujarat to reconstruction of schools & PHCs in tsunami ravaged Andaman & Nicobar Islands for the long term benefit of the affected population in the ravaged areas, helping them to pck up the thread of life in face of immense adversity.


project 7

Webste for Some Client

ClientSome Client Name
DateJuly 2013
SkillsHTML5, CSS3, JavaScript

Always continue the climb. It is possible for you to do whatever you choose, if you first get to know who you are and are willing to work with a power that is greater than ourselves to do it.

project 8

Webste for Some Client

ClientSome Client Name
DateJuly 2013
SkillsHTML5, CSS3, JavaScript

What if you gave someone a gift, and they neglected to thank you for it - would you be likely to give them another? Life is the same way. In order to attract more of the blessings that life has to offer, you must truly appreciate what you already have.

project 9

Webste for Some Client

ClientSome Client Name
DateJuly 2013
SkillsHTML5, CSS3, JavaScript

I learned that we can do anything, but we can't do everything... at least not at the same time. So think of your priorities not in terms of what activities you do, but when you do them. Timing is everything.

Contact Us

With its presence across length and breadth of the country, BJS today is truly a National Organization having its head-quarters at Pune.

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Bharatiya Jain Sangathan, Muttha Towers, Loop Road, Near Don Bosco Church, Yerawada, Pune -411006

+020 41200600

+020 41280011

+020 4120012

+020 41280013

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