Business Development Programs

Lack of appropriate and timely guidance is a serious concern for the entrepreneurs of this country. BJS understands the importance and the need of this national issue and has taken a step ahead to work on it by way of ‘Business Development Program’. It is a great platform for small, big retailers, wholesalers, traders, dealers, distributers, manufacturers and women entrepreneurs to have a revolution in their own business.

In this Business Development Program, participants can discuss their business concerns and get mentoring support by an expert in business management. One thought, idea, action can bring enormous growth. The next 25 years are of great opportunities for this country, & BJS believes that it is better to be an active part in the process rather than watching from afar & let opportunities slip away to grow & prosper & become obsolete in the process.

project 1

Awareness Sessions

One of the important aspects of a happy & contented family as a basic unit for progress is the economic well being. A large segment of our society being involved in Trade & Commerce as a profession, development and growth in financial matters, progress in own business or profession is equally important along with peace and happiness in the family & social relationships. This involves a lot of hard work, taking pains for the improvement or expansion of work& business,irrespective of whether it is a lucrative business of huge dimensions, trading, small industry or even a small business run by a homemaker.

Huge technological innovations and worldwide competition gives feeling of uncertainty about the future. The force of global competition has transformed every facet of business creating new risks and challenges. Emerging career opportunities for the younger generation in a rapidly evolving economy is also posing a problem in pursuing family business. In this new era, as business grows, even a successful businessman, will need to adapt to new circumstances, generate new ideas and innovations in the business. It is essential to reinforce its position and stay ahead in the market. So, common business men/women and new comers will obviously be in dire need of right direction to become successful, sustain and to progress.

Lack of appropriate and timely guidance is a serious concern for the entrepreneurs of this country. BJS understands the importance and the need of this national issue and has taken a step ahead to work on it by way of ‘Business Development Program’.It is a great platform for small, big retailers, wholesalers, traders, dealers, distributers, manufacturers and women entrepreneurs to have a revolution in their own business. In this Business Development Program, participants can discuss their business concerns and get mentoring support by an expert in business management. One thought, idea, action can bring enormous growth. The next 25 years are of great opportunities for this country, & BJS believes that it is better to be an active part in the process rather than watching from afar & let opportunities slip away to grow & prosper & become obsolete in the process.

The program is delivered by eminent BJS resource personswho are successful Industry & Business Managers with notable accomplishments both in professional & academic spheres. These arenormally seminars of 3 hours duration on Transformation in Business, open to all for participation. The program is conducted in collaboration with the respective State / Region / District councils of BJS at different venues across the country. In addition to this BJS has also designed & delivers a two day Workshop on Business Development.

The programs are designed to make the participants aware of the factors &emerging developments impacting business today , like globalization of business& its impact, need to remain competitive, importance of innovative idea & thinking out-of the-box, importance of speed in decision making, managing change effectively, & how to transform a business etc.

project 2


Apart from the Business Awareness sessions, BJS in collaboration with the reputed trainers ‘The Training People’ has taken the initiative a step further by designing & delivering a 3 day program on Business Excellence (B2B) covering aimed at providing the participants opportunity to experience the gamut of -
  • Experiential learning psychological impetus
  • Activity based, introspective & interactive
  • Concepts & competition
  • Total team concept

The participants were in the age group of 25-40 years with graduate / post-graduate qualification & requisite Managerial/ Entrepreneurial / Professional experience.

The program has been a huge success with very enthusiastic participation & response.

Enthused by the success, BJS has already to decided to expand & up scale the program & designed Personality Development workshops targeted at the age group of 18-25 years, of following durations, ready for immediate launch.
  1. 7 days (residential)
  2. 5 days (residential)
  3. 5 days (non-residential)

The program has been a huge success with very enthusiastic participation & response.
  1. Personal Development
  2. Intellectual Development
  3. Professional Development

project 3

Exposure Tours

While India is dreaming of reaping benefits of its demographic dividends, large section of our youth are unaware of their potential and the opportunity that they have in the current circumstances. Material aspirations, and the charm of consumerism that they can afford to enjoy, creates a huge dilemma, obfuscates the path to growth and advancement, and has the dangerous probability of being led up the wrong path leading to non-utilization of available opportunity and avoidable wastage of the talent inherent in the young.

On the other hand the older generation in business had faced many adverse situations, had taken risks in setting up and running the businesses, crossed geographical boundaries and achieved their own share of success. They perhaps deserve to enjoy their satisfaction, ownership and attachment to their present business, wanting to grow in the same one, wanting their younger family members to take over the same show, and run it in the same way that they have hitherto done it.

While there are instances that our forefathers in the business community migrated from one location to the other – reaching to the remotest of places, taking advantage in business because of meager means of communication and transportation, they have made sure to pass on the businessmindset& traits and substantial financial comfort to many of our youngsters. Today's youth have inherited this advantage from the previous generation which can be explored as the launching pad for attaining the next level, and quite possibly, to go beyond. It should not be a scenario where comfort of money and easy access to materialistic pleasures may hold our youth back from capitalizing on this legacy, duly strengthened by the reverse advantage of communication, transportation and technology that they can make work in their favor today.

BJS started deliberating on this on this dilemma that today's youth are up against, and as in other spheres of its activity, came up with iBuD, (Igniting Business Development), yet another innovative intervention especially directed at the youth from the Jain community to begin with, in the form of a seven day tour of interaction and exchange of experience, thoughts and ideas, designed and launched to guide our youngsters on search for newer and bigger destinations of success, to assist in extending the boundaries of thought and action, help them to think big and make them eager to set out for newer horizons.

The society and the country cannot afford any available talent to go waste in its quest for development and progress. When the gap in Haves and Have-Nots is getting increasingly widened, the businesses and entrepreneurship owes it to the society to create employment generation. When the natural resources are being exploited in the name of growth, it is imperative to think of innovative and impacting entrepreneurship that will drive the sustainable development for our future generations. And more importantly, when the values are being compromised left, right and center, it is a responsibility to create and run the values-based models.iBuD, the seven day tour of interaction and exchange of experience, thoughts and ideas, is a step towards this.

In this 7-days tour, participants meet the role models of our generation who have demonstrated all this through their action and achievements. They are the real architects of India today. They also meet the best of the Academic Gurus who have evaluated past, present and future and have happily extended their support to guide us in our individual endeavors. BJS is confident that this iBuDprogram is going to be a life changing experience for the participants, who with their minds open willimbibe the learning and resultantly grow in mindset, attitude, plans and dreams. The ways to achieve the dreams will follow!

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With its presence across length and breadth of the country, BJS today is truly a National Organization having its head-quarters at Pune.

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