As time changes, old yields place for the new and with this generational change comes the change in our thoughts and action. Time waits for none, & it’s up to us to keep pace with time and reinvent and reorient us individually and collectively. BJS as an organization is conscious of these challenges of change affecting us in family, social, educational, and entrepreneurial spaces, and the need to evolve and equip the different segments of our society with necessary knowledge, skill and awareness to keep up with the change and grow.
With this core belief, BJS has adopted the motto ‘NayiPidhiNayiSoch’ as one of its basic tenets and core philosophy, and has embarked upon the crucial task of providing the required reorientation in thought and action influencing our lives, to enable the society, and especially the new generation, to successfully embrace & adapt the change in appropriate manner towards a meaningful life.
‘You sow a thought you reap an action. Sow an action, you reap a habit. Sow a habit, you reap a character. Sow a character, you reap your destiny’ – ‘A Monk who sold his Ferrari’, Robin S Sharma
The aforesaid statement amply brings out the underlying thought behind our motto ‘empowering today enriching tomorrow’. We need to strengthen our present through interventions which are practical, deliverable and are in consonance with the demands of the society around, to fortify and enrich our future for a happy, prosperous life. BJS deliberates on the various issues, develops thoughts around it, devises appropriate action plan, make it a habit of tuning those action plans continuously for offering viable solutions to emerging problems, and prepares the members of the society for a future which is happy and blissful.
The word “Jain” in Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana has never been unduly emphasized It has always been driven by a larger dream, i.e. to work for nation building, in its pursuit of various social initiatives, and has been driven by the community’s intrinsic philosophy as givers and contributors for the society at large, going beyond the confinement of the community.
The spirit of the community has transcended all the barriers to work for the larger interests of the society. Its activities are rooted in the core principle of Ahimsa, Satya and Anekantwad (non-violence, truth & pluralism). Based on these tenets BJS is always striving to be in the forefront in identifying the areas and issues that plague the society, contemplating, designing and driving workable solutions with deliverable results for the affected & the marginalized, whether children or women, tribal or disaster affected citizens, poor seeking medical intervention or young girls in search of life skill inputs. In all these ventures, BJS is consistent in up scaling the interventions to national level and expand its reach to serve all, irrespective of creed, caste, region or religion.
A happy family is the primary building block for the growth of a society on the path of development
The first sentence of Leo Tolstoy’s novel ‘Ana Karenina’ is "happy families are all alike, every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way". It implies for a family to be happy, several key aspects must be given, such as good health of all family members, acceptable financial security & mutual love &affection. If there is failure in any of these key aspects the family will be unhappy. An unhappy family, apart from its own owes, fails to act collectively, wastes energy in regressive acts and emanates negativity all around. A family which is healthy, financially secured, and have love and mutual respect for each other, contributes to its collective strength to chart the path towards progress and prosperity.
BJS believes in nurturing this collective strength inherent in a happy family, by identifying the issues and concerns which has the potential to adversely affect the individual, family, & the society, and thus impinge on the happiness eroding the collective strength. BJS through its workable solutions to social concern,wishes to see ever increasing no of happy families today who, going back to Tolstoy, are alike in their positive contribution towards growth & prosperity.